
Hadley’s expertise in the production of cold rolled steel products has enabled the development of a range of agricultural systems offering you a unique combination of durability, stability and value. 

Products are delivered into a wide range of agricultural sectors including: 

  • Crop and vineyard management 
  • Animal husbandry 
  • Poultry  
  • Agricultural machinery 

Metal vineyard posts

Hadley Group’s metal vineyard posts are the result of extensive product development to meet the specific wire support needs of wine growers around the world. The company can also design and produce custom-made vineposts, develop prototype samples in-house and once approved, manufacture the vineposts in high volumes for every vineyard project.

Using the UltraSTEEL® process to deliver a unique combination of durability and performance, your vineyard can benefit from exceptional load carrying capacity and disease resistant steel to enable healthier crops. Our vine posts outperform traditional wooden vine pickets or alternative metal vine supports as the premium solution on the market. 
The steel is rolled between two mating rolls, producing a dimpled pattern across the surface. This ‘work hardening’ results in a much stronger product, one that delivers a better grip in the ground for greater stability.  Durable and low maintenance, the Vine posts also guaranteed to be corrosion resistant for up to 25 years.

Do you have questions? Not sure if your part can be manufactured in the cold roll form process? Ask our experts today

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