
Hadley Group Technology (HGT) has a rich history of collaborative research with local and international academic institutions and external research centers.  

Depuis plus de 30 ans, nos projets de recherche conjoints ont abouti à la mise au point de profilés de pointe disponibles dans notre division structurelle et au développement continu de notre technologie UltraSTEEL.

Nous avons mené d’importantes recherches sur l’optimisation de notre processus de conception d’outils – ainsi que sur le développement de notre compréhension des propriétés acoustiques et thermiques des produits en acier laminé à froid utilisés dans la construction.

Ultra STEEL Process and Products

  • Analysis and design of cold-formed dimpled steel columns using Finite Element techniques.

    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 108, p. 22-31, 2016.  Nguyen VB, Mynors DJ, Wang CJ, Castellucci MA, English MA. 

  • Finite Element simulation techniques for new process and product developments in metal forming industry.

    Proceedings of the 13th International Cold Forming Congress, p. 178-185, 2015. Nguyen VB, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Simulating of a new cold roll process and products in metal forming industry

    Proceedings of the NAFEMS UK 2014 Conference: Accelerating the Future of CAE, p. 89-92, 2014. Nguyen VB. 

  • Finite Element analysis of cold-formed dimpled steel columns.

    Proceedings of the 22nd International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, p. 115-128, 2014. Nguyen VB, English MA, Castellucci MA. 

  • Dimpling process in cold roll metal forming by finite element modelling and experimental validation.

    Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 16, p. 363-372, 2014. Nguyen VB, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Simulation helps increase sales by $4M – Nonlinear FEA validates new cold roll forming process.

    MSC Software Magazine: Simulating Reality, Vol. III, Summer 2013. Based on an interview with Martin English and Bac Nguyen. 

  • Finite element simulation on mechanical and structural properties of cold-formed dimpled steel.

    Thin-Wall Structures, Vol. 64, p. 13-22, 2013. Nguyen VB, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, Castellucci MA, English MA.

  • Compressive strength tests and design of cold-formed plain and dimpled steel columns

    Proceedings of the 21st International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, p. 127-142, 2012. Nguyen VB, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, English MA, Castellucci MA. 

  • Compression tests of cold-formed plain and dimpled steel columns.

    Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 69, p. 20-29, 2012. Nguyen VB, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Mechanical properties and structural behaviour of cold-rolled formed dimpled steel.

    Steel Reseach International, Special Issue, p. 1072–1077, 2011. Nguyen VB, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Simulating the UltraSTEEL dimpling process

    Key Engineering  Materials, Vol. 410-411, p. 449-56, 2009. Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, English MA.

  • The influence of tool design on the development of localised regions of plastic deformation in sheet metal formed products to improve structural performance.

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Metal Forming, paper no. 68, 2004. Collins J, Castellucci MA, Pillinger I, Hartley P. 

  • Formation and performance of dimpled steel sheet.

    Advances in Manufacturing Technology XVII. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Professional Engineering Publishing, Vol. 17, p. 87-92, 2003. Collins J, Castellucci MA, Hartley P, Pillinger I.

  • Effects of cold roll dimpling process on mechanical and structural properties of dimpled steel.

    The International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom.  (2017) Nguyen, V.B., and English, M.E.,

  • Effects of cold roll dimpling process on mechanical and structural properties of dimpled steel

    Procedia Engineering, 207, 1290-1295.  (2017) Nguyen, V.B., and English, M.E.

  • Experimental and numerical study on crashworthiness of cold-formed dimpled steel columns.

    Thin-Walled Structures, 112, 83-91. 2017. Liang, C., Wang, C.J., Nguyen, V.B., English, M., Mynors, D.

  • Analysis and design of cold-formed dimpled steel columns using Finite Element techniques

    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 108, 22-31.  2016. Nguyen, V.B., Mynors, D.J., Wang, C.J., Castellucci, M.A., and English, M.A.

  • Overcoming the Dependence of the Yield Condition on the Absence of Macroscopic Structures

    Processes 2023, Volume 11, Issue 1, 4. David Scholtz; Chang Wang; Martin English; Diane Mynors

Cold Roll Formed Products

  • Load-deflection behaviour of sleeved joints in modified Z purlin system.

    Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 73, p. 318-328, 2013. Ye W, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, Kibble KA, Morgan T, Cartwright B. 

  • Deflection analysis of sleeve jointed purlin systems with non-linear rotational stiffness.

    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 147, p. 66-69, 2011. Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, Morgan T, Cartwright, B.

  • The optimisation of cold rolled formed products

    Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 29, p. 159-174, 1997. Castellucci MA, Pillinger I, Hartley P, Deeley GT.

  • Developments in computational modelling techniques for industrial metal forming processes.

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 215, p.903-914, 2001. Hartley P, Pillinger I. 

  • Development and design analysis of a new purlin system

    Proceedings of the 9th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, p. 215-228, 1988.  Rhodes J,  Zaras J. 

  • Shape optimisation of cold roll formed sections considering effects of cold working

    Thin-Walled Structures, 170, 108576. (2022) Qadir, S., Nguyen, V.B., Hajirasouliha, I., Ceranic, B., Tracada, E., English, M.

  • New manufacturing process and product developments in metal forming industry using Finite Element modelling and optimization techniques

    Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIV. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 35th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, 7-10 September 2021, University of Derby, Derby, UK.  Nguyen, V.B., and English, M.E.

  • Optimisation of flexural strength for cold roll formed sections using design of experiments and response surface methodology

    Proceedings of the Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium, 20-22 October 2020.  Qadir, S., Nguyen, V.B., Hajirasouliha, I., Cartwright, B., English, M.

  • Optimal design of cold roll formed steel channel sections under bending considering both geometry and cold work effects

    Thin-Walled Structures, 157, 107020.  2020 Qadir, S., Nguyen, V.B., Hajirasouliha, I., Cartwright, B., English, M.

  • The optimization of thin-walled cold rolled products using Finite Element modelling and Design of Experiments

    The 8th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2018), Lisbon, Portugal, July 24-27, 2018 Nguyen, V.B., and English, M.E.

  • The design and development of new cold roll formed products by finite element modelling and optimisation

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Specialty Conference on Cold-formed Steel Structures, 9-10 November, 2016, Baltimore (2016) Nguyen, V.B., Wood, P.K.C., English, M.A., and Castellucci, M.A.

  • Design of new cold rolled purlins by experimental testing and Direct Strength Method

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Specialty Conference on Cold-formed Steel Structures, 9-10 November, 2016, Baltimore Maryland, USA, pp. 697-711.  (2016) Nguyen, V.B., Cartwright, B., and English, M.A.

  • Design of new cold rolled purlins by experimental testing and Direct Strength Method.

    Thin-Walled Structures, 118, 105-112. 2017. Nguyen, V.B., Pham, C.H., Cartwright, B., and English, M.A.

  • Design Optimisation for Cold Rolled Steel Beam Sections with Complex Stiffeners Consider Cold Working Effects

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Sydney, Australia, 29 November – 1 December 2023. Qadir, S., Nguyen, V.B., Hajirasouliha, I., English, M.

Acoustic and Thermal Stud Development

  • Vibro-acoustic performance of different steel studs in double-leaf walls by finite element analysis.

    Building Acoustics, 22, p. 65-80, 2015. Nguyen VB, Morgan T, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Finite element vibro-acoustic simulation of roll-formed steel studs in partition walls.

    Accepted for NAFEMS World Congress, 21-24 June 2015, San Diego, California, USA, 2015. Arjunan A, Wang CJ, Yahiaoui K, Mynors DJ, Morgan T, English MA.

  • Acoustic performance of different cold-formed studs in double-leaf walls by Finite Element analysis and experiment.

    Proceedings of the 22nd International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, p. 525-539, 2014. Nguyen VB, Morgan T, English MA, Castellucci MA.

  • Sound frequency dependent mesh modelling to simulate the acoustic insulation of stud based double-leaf walls

    Proceedings of ISMA2014 Including USD2014, p.4235-4246, The 2014 Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 15-17 September 2014, Leuven, Belgium. Arjunan A, Wang CJ, Yahiaoui K, Mynors DJ, Morgan T, Nguyen VB, English MA.

  • Development of a 3D Finite Element acoustic model to predict the sound reduction index of stud based double-leaf walls

    Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333, p. 6140-6155, 2014. Arjunan A, Wang CJ, Yahiaoui K, Mynors DJ, Morgan T, Nguyen VB, English MA.

  • Finite element acoustic analysis of a steel stud based double-leaf wall

    Building and Environment, Vol. 67, p. 202-210, 2013. Arjunan A, Wang CJ, Yahiaoui K, Mynors DJ, Morgan T, English MA.

  • Thermal efficiency analysis of slotted steel studs in double leaf partition walls using FEM and experimental tests

    Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress, 9-12 June 2013, Salzburg, Austria. Arjunan A, Wang CJ, Mynors DJ, Yahiaoui K, Morgan T, English MA.

Knowledge Based Management

  • The management of expert knowledge for cold roll form design

    International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Vol. 1, p. 292-305, 2007. English MA, Mynors DJ, Castellucci MA.

  • Controlling the Cold Roll Forming Design Process

    CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 55, P. 271-274, 2006. Mynors DJ, English MA, Castellucci MA, Bramley AN.

  • Achieving feedback for cold roll forming design automation

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, 9-13 October 2005, Verona, Italy. English MA, Mynors DJ, Castellucci MA. 

Eco-Efficiency and Sustainability

  • Eco-efficiency of the cold roll formed product supply chain

    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 177, p. 626-629, 2006. English MA, Mynors DJ, Castellucci MA.

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